Beginning April 12, 2024, all users will require a account to access NRSOnline.
Existing NRSOnline users can link their and NRSOnline accounts by using the same email for both accounts.
If you do not have a account: Create a new account and use the same email you use for your NRSOnline account.
If you already have a account: Look up your NRSOnline Moodle account. Then, edit your profile to change your NRSOnline account email address to match your account email.
Submit this form to look up your old NRSOnline Moodle account information. Follow the instructions to change your NRSOnline account password. Then, edit your profile to change your NRSOnline account email address to match your account email.
Visit for assistance with setting up your account.
Login using your account on
You are using a U.S. Federal Government computer system. Your activity on this system may be monitored and recorded to ensure security and availability for all authorized users.
By using this system, you agree to this monitoring. Unauthorized use is prohibited and can lead to criminal and civil penalties under 18 U.S.C § 1030. Unauthorized actions include trying to access, change, or delete information without permission.
Unauthorized access includes: