Log in to NRS Online Courses
Skip to create new accountLog in using your account on:
Is this your first time here?
Create a new Login.gov account
If this is your first time here and you do not already have a Login.gov account, you will need to create a new Login.gov account to self-enroll in the on-demand NRSOnline courses. The first time you login to NRSOnline using Login.gov, it will create an account on the NRS Online site with the same email address you used for your account on Login.gov.
- Select “Create a Login.gov account” button below.
- Complete the form. Existing NRSOnline users: Enter the same email address you presently use for your NRSOnline Moodle account. Using the same email address will preserve your NRSOnline user data.
- An email will be sent to the email address you provide with the subject: “Confirm your email” sent from no-reply@Login.gov. Read the email and click on the Web link to confirm your account.
- Create a strong password.
- Select a secondary account authentication option.
- Return to NRS Online to log in with the username and password you created.
- Select the name of the course you want to enroll in. Then, click the “Enroll me” button. You will immediately be directed to the course.
- Repeat Step 7 to enroll in a different self-paced course.
For assistance with creating a Login.gov account, refer to the Login.gov guidance at Help | Login.gov